Design Interior
Russian version
Spanish version

Digital photography

If you suppose that you've got a fair idea of my work, you are
free to leave a message in the
Guest Book
or you can
write to me,
both for criticising and encouragement.
If you are a businessman and in need for my creative and practical contribution, you are welcome.
I am reasonable and realistic at estimating my labour. And I try not to be dependent on market prices.
What do these words effectively mean?

  In my designs I attempt to streamline the processes wherever it is possible. I search for plain and cheap materials. My conviction is that the age of expensive and noble materials is far behind. Conservative art, connected with the presence of empires on the historic arena, is giving way to a dynamic synthetic art of modern technology.
  Prohibitive prices are no good for a modern man, who is, as it is, overtaxed by everyday stresses. As for an artist, he also needs to work a lot and without breaks, so as to accumulate experience. A good artist has no time to muse, he should create. His ideas are incarnalized in a body which brings profit to any businessman.
  I can draw up and realize both an interior design for dwelling, restaurant, cafe, office and a design of furniture or small items.

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 Art constitutes  a subjective  aspect of  human  creativity,  science - an  objective one.

 In the interior  an artist and a  scientist sign  a peaceful  agreement for  ever!